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Transmission of Ancestral Care from the Nokekoi Tribe, original people of Amazonia

 5 days + 3 shamanic retreats

Which was transmitted to me by the pajé (shaman) Sahi Romeya Kamanawa: face-to-face, theory and practice (scientific composition, spiritual strength, counter-indications, getting in touch with the healing spirits of the forest, etc) + Practice on retreats in person + private ceremonies + Long-term follow-up by voice messages or calls. Possibility of receiving a forest spirit transmission treatment from the pajé Sahi Romeya in the Amazonia to amplify your future ancestral care.
This treatment is effective for:
Depression (regulates the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine in the brain) and anxiety, Alcohol and drug dependence, Migraines, Blood circulation problems, Cancers and tumors, Multiple sclerosis, Chronic pain, Intestinal and digestive problems, ingrained toxins, fertility problems, impotence, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, vascular insufficiency, organ diseases, reduced resistance to analgesics, fever and infections, chronic fatigue, post-traumatic shock, panic attacks, high blood pressure, HIV, herpes, hepatitis, candida , parasites.thyroid, diabetes, and more.

I work with the NokeKoi, which means “original people”, they are natives of the Brazilian Amazon. Guardians of the lung of our mother earth Gaia.

For 2 years now I have been raising funds to build a school in the Brazilian Amazonis. This by donating part of my profit to the NokeKoi.
We have already been able, with the pajé (shaman) Sahi Romeya my friend and teacher, and the Cacique, to build the maloca which is a ceremonial space. This construction in the Amazon is a sacred place, a guardian temple of forest medicines and NokeKoi traditions.This is thanks to the funds donated to the NokeKoi.
These funds were also used for food, schooling and more.

The “Centro de Cura NokeKoi” school of life that we are building aims to perpetuate indigenous traditions, community life, songs and language. We will organize courses and training where the paje Sahi romeya will pass on some of his knowledge.

Every year we will expand the village and the structures, they also like
plans to build new dormitories to accommodate more people, during the organization of shamanic festivals.

By participating in this retreat in the Amazon, you are treating yourself to an unforgettable journey to the heart of the SOl, or even, to the WHOLE, to the heart of these sacred lands of the Amazon, and you are also participating in perpetuating the knowledge of the Nokekoi with the future. construction of this school.

    Transmission of Ancestral Care from the Nokekoi Tribe, original people of Amazonia